Monday, December 8, 2008

Shell Script to serach for file whether present or not

Hi all,

the below shell script is used to identify if the source file is present or not and depending upon the command can be used in the command task of informatica.

This script is basically used for searching a file and then running the entire workflow.
this is basically for Bourne shell

# /usr/bin/sh
if test -s "path/Filename.lst"
then exit 0;
else exit 1; fi


cat commands

for example there are two files file1 and file2
and you wantto write to write it to file 3 teh entire content then

cat file1 > file3
cat file2>>file3

>> indicates it does not append the earlier data

Friday, November 28, 2008

Lookup in informatica

MY PEER GUIDE LINES A static lookup turned to dynamic and back static has issues in the lookup transformation better option is to delete the transformation and recreate it again. and in 7x the lookup override has bug for every column in the lookup overide should be termed AS at the end and this case specially for distinct option inthe lookup override.

Difference of 7.x and 8.x worflow monitors .

MY PEER GUIDE LINES on Workflow monitor from 8 x is pull model. From 8.x series the main disadavantages for a developer point of view is the workflow monitor as it is pull model instead of push model as earlier versions .So the data in teh monitor for the client tool is not always correct Watch out for this .

Flat file fields dynamically changing can be handled

Flat file fields changing be handled dynamically. If the flat file is changing dynamcially and if we are pretty sure if the added fields are at the end of a file then we can take the entire record as one string and then substr the opeartion in the expression for the corresponding transformation.

Source Xml files

In Xml source files the source qualifier beacome a active transformation and we cannot take from other segments at a time to the same target .Thus data from each segment can be loaded to one target but combination of segment cannot be loaded to the same target if we need to do this the better approach load the data to a flat file and then load to the target tables.

Sales Force Connectors.

It is about Sales Force Connector we get seperate extension which will run in th bin which will enable the connetion for the connector. Basically it is same as importing a source where we use username and password long with the link where to connect. along with this we can also lookup transformation on sales force targets and we can also implement CDC option for all the targets to be loaded depending upon a non zero data commit.

For implementing a CDC option we have use a system defined variable only and it is restricted .
$Param_startdate and $Param_enddate

Source based commit.(real time systems)

I used to always think what is the main difference between a source based commit and target based commit when you are handling relational database basically even when you set a source based it usually be target based commit (please refer session log to validate my point).
So where can we use a source based commit it is use ful in the case of bus sources like JMS or Tibco sources which informatica can handle.

Constraint based Loading in informatica

In the informatica there some serious issues on Constraint Based Loading like the CBL – for level 3 tables where informatica server cannot read the difference between the dimension and flake dimension when we are loading at the same time to solve this issue better use flat file to load instead of child tables and then load to the child tables.

It cannot handle recursive/repetative relationships.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Target flat file name can be changed dynamically

In informatica if the target flat file names are to be changed dyanmically then we can use a option in the target designer of the column tab where we set the name of the flat file.
Which will be the last set option to the right end of the page. Thus by this we set the target flat file names dynamically.

1) MY PEER (SUHAS) GUIDE LINES on Push Down Optimization

Hi all,

From informatica 8.x there is special license for push down optimization , which effectively helps in reducing performance issues usually there are three types of push down optimization
source ,target and transformation .If source push optimization is selected the informatica server uses all the source database resources for effectively loading the data where as target push down optimization the informatica server uses the target resources which reduces the burden on the informatica server.

The is set in the session in the properties tab.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

XML sources

HI all,

This posts breifly tells about handling xml sources in informatica .

Well basic types are .xml or .dtd or .xsd formats which informatica supports and in general to tell the difference between .xml and .dtd is the .dtd contains only the structure of the file where as xml contains structure as well as the data in it.

when you tryto import the xml sources in to the informatica source analayser you will basically have options where you go for entity or hierarchy or custom , the option to be chossed is better off if we decide it with the xml files and when you try to import the file to the source analyser
you see it element has been divided into different groups (segments ) and as the xml source qualifier is an active transformation we cannot take the output from two different segment to the same target table,Instead if we need do so we can take a joiner and join on the keys generated from the xml files.

And in case of indirect load the file list always excepted a space carriage at the end of the file.